How to Use Your Social Network and Earn Savings for Your Kids School Travel?

in Apr 25, 2023

We are using recruiting for good to help companies find talented professionals and generate proceeds to make a positive impact.

Does your school love to raise money for group travel?

Participate in Recruiting for Good's Referral Program.

  1. Simply introduce Recruiting for Good to a company executive (CEO, CFO, or VP HR) you personally know
  2. When Recruiting for Good gets retained for a search; we help the company find a talented professional.
  3. We then, earn a finder’s fee; donate $5000 for kids' group or school travel (music, robotics, or sports)!

Love to do some good for your school and your family too; email (include your telephone number and a member of our team will contact you).

Serving communities and schools in the US that share our positive values.