10 Things We Can Learn From Peter Pan and Robin Hood

in Nov 24, 2012

10 Things We Can Learn From Peter Pan and Robin Hood. This holiday season as we approach the end of the year, and we make our personal commitments and New Year resolutions; it is a great time to look at how we can magnetically change the world.
Every person has a talent and a purpose that when it is put in place, in practice it magically changes the dynamics of life. And connects us to the power within us all. I bring to you two characters familiar to all of us; that if you truly belief that they exist within you, it will transform the way you think and live for the rest of your life.
10 Lessons of Life
1) It takes a community to get things done, but every person has a responsibility to participate to make things work.
2) Someone has to stand, make decisions, and take the risks.
3) Love will conquer all, a zest to life comes not only from love ones, but from connecting to an inner desire.
4) Give it away freely, give and share to make life great for all.
5) Have your own personal style.
6) Make life fun, laugh, joke, sing, dance, and celebrate life every day.
7) Live through your heart; be passionate and committed to doing the right thing.
8) You are never alone in your path, if you know how to ask and inspire others to help you.
9) Life is about making mistakes, not dwelling there, but learning and moving on.
10) Within us all there lives a Peter Pan, youthful and playful. And also lives a Robin Hood, a generous, kind-hearted soul that grounds you, and leads you to care for the world.
The world awaits your arrival. Once you acknowledge your contribution, talent, or genius; bring it and share it with the world. One of the things that I do, wherever I go is engage people with interesting conversation, questions, and acknowledgements. Only yesterday, did I fully comprehend the power of my intentions, and it only reinforces both the Peter Pan and Robin Hood with me.
About 2 months ago, I visited Le Pain on Larchmont Street to mentor Mary Jacobs. In doing so, I talked to a doctor sitting 5 tables away, crazy right, no actually just plain fun. Whatever the conversation was, it inspired the doctor to come back every day since, to inquire if I had returned. I am grateful for this touching moment; it feels great to know that I can have such a powerful and lasting affect on people. For me, it’s joyful to genuinely connect with people, to make them aware, make them laugh, and make them matter.
How will you live your life is up to you. But perhaps a little bit of Peter Pan and Robin Hood, might be good for the soul.
Happy Holidays,
"To live will be an awfully big adventure." Peter Pan. How you choose to live is up to you. I live like every day is my last day to live, and I accomplish more, I am mindful, and enjoy the life I create for myself and others. And I look forward to meeting you soon, upon the adventure of life.

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